
Online Quran Learning

Your Guide to Learn Quran with Tajweed

The fundamental rule of reciting the Holy Quran properly is to read the Quran with complete Tajweed rules and regulations. Allah Ta’ala says in the Holy Quran: “And recite the Quran properly in a measured way”. (Surat Al Muzammil).
To read the Holy Quran with Tajweed, it is obligatory for every Muslim to learn the Tajweed rules from a very basic level to an advanced level.

Tajweed rules can be learned from various methods, like visiting an Islamic school or joining an online Quran teaching academy, and attending one-on-one classes with live tutors. Due importance shall be given to the learning phase or else students might never be able to read the Holy Quran with proper Tajweed.

Just like any other field of education, acquiring the basic skills of Tajweed in Quranic education is very vital. There is a well-known quote that can be implied here, “the stronger the base, the stronger the building”. The knowledge of Tajweed rules and regulations permits the student to recite the Quran without mistakes and errors, which is a big achievement for every Muslim. The journey of learning the Tajweed starts from learning the “traditional Qaida” (the small booklet of basic Tajweed rules).

The “traditional Qaida” is designed by classical Islamic scholars in such a wonderful way that upon completing it, the students become able to read a greater part of the Holy Quran by themselves.
The experienced tutors at online Kids Madrasa teach this Qaida to every student in one-on-one classes in the first few months. This helps the student a lot to further continue the journey of learning the Holy Quran.

The “Traditional Qaida” follows the methodology of gradual learning. In the first lesson student learns the alphabets of Arabic and from there on every next lesson is built on the basis of the previous lesson. In “Traditional Qaida” Student learns the perfect sound of every alphabet, the method to join the alphabets with each other, the vowel sounds, the Makharij, the structure of combined words, and so on till the end. At every step, our tutors practice the lesson with students and make them practice multiple times till achieving perfection. This is the primary and main phase of learning the Tajweed. It is an extremely simple method to learn how to recite the Quran for both children and adults.